Single Header Libs
Single header libs is a repository containing a variety of projects that follow the STB single header file library style. I made this project so I could tinker with a variety of different topics wh...
Book Organiser
This is a small project I made to help me organise and track my digital library of books (I have well over 2GB worth of books and which keeps going up with each Humble Book Bundle released). This p...
Hyperion Asiimov Texture Pack
The Hyperion Asiimov texture pack is the second skin pack I made for Borderlands 2 adding the Asiimov skin from CS:GO to the Hyperion legendary weapons in the game.
Hyperion Obisidan Texture Pack
The Hyperion Obsidian texture pack is first weapon texture pack I made for Borderlands 2 which applies to the Hyperion unique weapons in the game. Each weapon skin has two variants, a factory defau...