Doom Emacs Icons Fix
After a fresh install of Doom Emacs on Windows you’ll notice when you boot Emacs up that there are icons missing on the side of the doom dashboard and at the bottom where the official GitHub repository is linked. I’m going to go over how to fix that in this tutorial.
The Fix
The issue is simply due to missing font packages in Windows. To download the fonts you have to press meta-x (the meta key by default is the alt key) and then type:
You will also need:
On Windows this will ask you to provide a directory for the font files to be downloaded to. Once you’ve provided a directory you’ll then need to open PowerShell and then cd into the directory where the font files have been downloaded. Once you’ve navigated there you’ll then have to run this snippet of code:
$dest = (New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application).Namespace(0x14)
ls *.ttf | % { $dest.CopyHere($_.FullName, 0x10) }
Once you’ve run that a few pop up windows should appear showing the installation of each font. When the fonts have been installed all you have to do then is restart Doom Emacs (which can be done by pressing space q r) and then the icons will show up without any issue